• Heat’s On

    Reduce the occurrence of veterans going without heat or facing other life threatening emergencies associated with their home heating systems in the winter

MSC and Steamfitters Local 601 have partnered for 36 years to help keep residence in Dane County warm for the winter and reduce the occurrence of residents going without heat or facing other life-threatening emergencies associated with home heating systems.  Since the programs inception in 1987, volunteers have performed maintenance services on over 2,700 furnaces.

Each year, roughly 60 area steamfitters volunteer a day of labor to inspect and service heating systems in 60 qualified veterans’ homes.  Trucks and equipment used for the day are donated by local union heating contractors, and replacement parts are donated by area suppliers.  The 37th Heat’s On event will take place on a Saturday in October 2025.  Veterans can sign up for their free furnace checks through the Dane County Veteran Services Office and the William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital.

Veteran Resources